Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Golden Shield (each a “Site”, together the “Destinations”) is a stage overwhelmingly utilized by business elements to encourage trade and such business utilize does not by and large include the gathering of individual data of people. Golden Shield perceives the significance of protection and in addition the significance of keeping up the secrecy of individual data. This Privacy Policy applies to all items and services gave by us and sets out how we may gather, utilize and uncover data in connection to clients of the sites. You may utilize our services and items by means of a cell phone either through portable applications or versatile upgraded sites. This Privacy Policy additionally applies to such utilization of our services and items. All promoted terms not characterized in this record should have the implications attributed to them in the Terms of Use of the Site, which can be found here.


1. Your security is critical to us and we have found a way to guarantee that we don’t gather more data from you than is fundamental for us to give you our services and to ensure your record.
2. Data including, however not restricted to, client name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, sex, date as well as year of birth and client inclinations (“Registration Information”) might be gathered at the season of client enlistment on the Sites.
3. Regarding any exchange and installment services or services under our purchaser assurance plans we give on the Sites, data, including however not restricted to, ledger numbers, charging and conveyance data, credit/plastic numbers and close dates and following data from checks or cash orders (“Account Information”) might be gathered to, in addition to other things, encourage the deal and buy and additionally the settlement of price tag of the items or services executed on or acquired through the Sites.
4. We record and hold subtle elements of clients’ exercises on the Sites. Data identifying with such exchanges including, however not restricted to, the sorts and particulars of the products, valuing and conveyance data and any exchange debate records (“Activities Information”) might be gathered when deal and buy exchanges are led on or encouraged through the Sites
5. Every now and then, we gather data about our clients and imminent clients amid public exhibitions, industry occasions and different capacities. The data we may gather at these areas may incorporate, yet is not restricted to, client name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address (“Event Information”).
6. We record and hold records of clients’ purchasing and perusing exercises on our stage including yet not restricted to IP addresses, perusing examples and purchaser behavioral examples. Also, we accumulate measurable data about the Sites and guests to the Sites including, yet not constrained to, IP addresses, program programming, working framework, programming and equipment properties, pages saw, number of sessions and one of a kind guests (together “Perusing Information”).
7. Enrollment Information, Account Information, Activities Information, Event Information and Browsing Information by and large identify with business substances and are as one alluded to as business information (“Business Data”). Insofar and just seeing that they constitute by and by identifiable information of living people, such data are as one alluded to as individual information (“Personal Data”).
8. It is required for clients of the Sites to give certain classifications of Business Data and Personal Data (as determined at the season of accumulation). If clients don’t give any or adequate Business Data and additionally Personal Data set apart as compulsory, we will most likely be unable to finish the enrollment procedure or give such clients our items or services.


On the off chance that you give any Personal Data to us, you are esteemed to have approved us to gather, hold and utilize that Personal Data for the accompanying purposes:
1. Checking and verifying your identity
2. Checking your qualification to enroll as a client of the Sites
3. Preparing your enrollment as a client, giving you a sign in ID for the Sites and keeping up and dealing with your enlistment
4. Giving you client service and reacting to your questions, criticism, claims or debate;
5. To encourage correspondence amongst purchasers and venders on the Sites and handling your exchanges on the Sites;
6. Performing research or factual examination with a specific end goal to enhance the substance and format of the Sites, to enhance our item offerings and services and for advertising and limited time purposes;
7. subject to getting your assent in such shape as might be required under the relevant law, we (counting our associated organizations and their assigned Service Providers (as characterized in C.1 beneath)) may utilize your name, telephone number, private address, email address, fax number and other information (“Marketing Data”) to give sees, studies, item alarms, correspondences and other promoting materials to you identifying with merchandise and ventures offered by us on the Sites including however not constrained to Gold Suppliers participation, Verified Members enrollment, Free Members enrollment (each of Gold Suppliers participation, Verified Members participation, and Free Members enrollment, a “Participation” and aggregately, the “Participations”) the esteem added services auxiliary to the Memberships, and different items and services offered by us or potentially our subsidiary organizations and their assigned Service Providers now and again to individuals from the Sites; 8. on the off chance that you intentionally present any data to the Sites for distribution on the Sites through the distributing devices, including yet not constrained to, Company Profile, Product Catalog, Trade Leads, TrustPass Profile and any dialog discussion, then you are esteemed to have offered agree to the production of such data on the Sites (“Voluntary Information”); and
9. Making such divulgences as might be required for any of the above purposes or as required by law, directions and rules or in regard of any examinations, cases or potential cases brought on or against us.


1. You additionally concur that we may reveal and exchange (regardless of whether inside or outside the locale of the Golden Shieldsubstance that you are contracting with) your Personal Data to specialist co-ops drew in by us or potentially other associated organizations of the Golden Shieldto help us with giving you our services (counting however not constrained to information section, database service, advancements, items and services cautions, conveyance services, installment augmentation services, participation confirmation and check services and coordination services) (“Service Providers”). These Service Providers are under an obligation of privacy to us and are just allowed to utilize your Personal Data regarding the reasons determined at B.1 to B.9 above, and not for their own particular purposes.
2. You concur that we may reveal and exchange (regardless of whether inside or outside the locale of the Golden Shieldelement that you are contracting with), for the reasons determined at B.1 to B.9 over, your Personal Data to other partnered organizations and additionally their assigned Service Providers of the Golden ShieldGroup, which involves a gathering of organizations working driving on the web and versatile commercial centers in customer and business-to-business trade, and in addition distributed computing and different services.
3. At the point when vital we may likewise reveal and exchange (regardless of whether inside or outside the ward of the Golden Shieldsubstance that you are contracting with) your Personal Data to our expert guides, law requirement offices, guarantors, government and administrative and different associations for the reasons determined at B.9 above.
4. Any Personal Data provided by you will be held by us and will be open by our workers, any Service Providers drew in by us and outsiders alluded to at C.2 and C.3 above, for or in connection to any of the reasons expressed in B.1 to B.9 above.
5. All Voluntary Information might be made freely accessible on the Sites and subsequently available by any web client. Any Voluntary Information that you uncover to us winds up plainly open data and you give up any exclusive rights (counting yet not restricted to the privileges of privacy and copyright) in such data. You ought to exercise alert when choosing to incorporate individual or restrictive data in the Voluntary Information that you submit to us.
6. We may impart your Account Information to banks or sellers to empower your exchanges on the Sites to be finished. Furthermore, we may utilize your Account Information to decide your credit-value and, during the time spent such assurance, we may need to make such Account Information accessible to banks or credit organizations. While we have set up progressive innovation and interior methodology to keep your Account Information and other Personal Data secure from interlopers, there is no assurance that such innovation or strategies can take out the majority of the dangers of robbery, misfortune or abuse.
7. We may give factual data to outsiders, however when we do as such, we don’t give specifically distinguishing data without your authorization.
8. We host built up associations with different gatherings and sites to offer you the advantage of items and services which we don’t offer. We offer you access to these different gatherings and their sites either using hyperlinks to these locales from the Sites or through offering “co-marked” destinations in which both we and different gatherings have a similar uniform asset locator, space name or pages inside an area name on the Internet. At times you might be required to submit individual data to enroll or apply for items or services gave by such outsiders or co-marked accomplices. This Privacy Policy does not have any significant bearing to these outsider locales or co-marked destinations. The security strategies of those different gatherings may contrast from our own, and we have no power over the data that you submit to those outsiders. You ought to peruse the pertinent security approach for those outsider destinations and co-marked locales before reacting to any offers, items or services promoted by those gatherings


Under the material laws, you have the privilege of access to individual data held by us and to demand adjustment of the data. On the off chance that you have any inquiries with respect to this Privacy Policy or on the off chance that you wish to get to or redress your Personal Data, you may send your demand in keeping in touch with the accompanying location: As per the pertinent laws, we maintain whatever authority is needed to charge you a sensible expense for the preparing of any information get to or adjustment ask.
E. Cookies We utilize “cookies” to store particular data about you and track your visits to the Sites. It is normal for sites to utilize cookies to upgrade distinguishing proof of their clients. A “cookie” is a little measure of information that is sent to your program and put away on your PC’s hard drive. A cookie can be sent to your PC’s hard drive just on the off chance that you get to the Sites utilizing a PC. On the off chance that you don’t de-enact or eradicate the cookie, each time you utilize a similar PC to get to the Sites, our web servers will be told of your visit to the Sites and thusly we may know about your visit and the example of your utilization. For the most part, we utilize cookies to distinguish you and empower us to
i) get to your Registration Information or Account Information so you don’t need to re-enter it;
ii) assemble measurable data about use by clients;
iii) explore going by examples and help target ads in light of client interests;
iv) help our accomplices to track client visits to the Sites and process requests; and
v) track advance and support in advancements. You can decide whether and how a cookie will be acknowledged by arranging the program which is introduced in the PC you are utilizing to get to the Sites. In the event that you pick, you can change those arrangements. By setting your inclinations in the program, you can acknowledge all cookies or you can be told when a cookie is sent or you can dismiss all cookies. In the event that you dismiss all cookies by picking the cookie incapacitating capacity in your program, you might be required to re-enter data on the Sites all the more frequently and certain elements of the Sites might be inaccessible.


We utilize economically sensible security strategies to counteract unapproved access to the Sites, to keep up information exactness and to guarantee the right utilization of the data we hold. For enlisted clients of the Sites, your Registration Information and Account Information (assuming any) can be seen and altered through your record, which is secured by a secret word. We suggest that you don’t uncover your secret key to anybody. Our work force will never approach you for your secret key in a spontaneous telephone call or in a spontaneous email. On the off chance that you impart a PC to others, you ought not to spare your sign in data (e.g., client ID and secret word) on that common PC. Keep in mind to sign out of your record and close your program window when you have completed your session. No information transmission over the web or any remote system can be ensured to be superbly secure. Therefore, while we attempt to ensure the data we hold for you, we can’t ensure the security of any data you transmit to us and you do as such at your own particular hazard.


Any progressions to this Privacy Policy will be conveyed by us posting a corrected and rehashed Privacy Policy on the Sites. Once posted on the Sites the new Privacy Policy will be taking effect right now. You concur that any data we hold about you (as depicted in this Privacy Policy and regardless of whether gathered preceding or after the new Privacy Policy ended up noticeably compelling) will be represented by the most recent rendition of the Privacy Policy.


We respect your info with respect to our Privacy Policy and any remarks on the services we give to you. You may send us your remarks and reactions.