Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

GoldenShield has set out specific terms and conditions and demands the majority of its users to peruse them deliberately as use of our services are liable to user’s assent and consistence with these Terms and Conditions.

Note: Customer’s membership on GoldenShield is an acknowledgment that they have perused, comprehended and concur with our Terms, paying little respect to the method of membership or use of our service. This is to confirm that if the user does not acknowledge our “Terms”, then kindly don’t subscribe on our site or utilize our services.

In these Terms, references to “you”, “User” should mean the end user getting to the Website, its substance and utilizing the Services offered through the Website. “Specialist co-ops” mean autonomous outsider specialist co-ops, and “we”, “us” and “our” might mean GoldenShield , its franchisor, associates and accomplices.


www.GoldenShield.in (“Website”) is an Internet based substance and online business gateway worked by an organization joined under the laws of India.

Use of the Website is offered to you adapted on acknowledgment without adjustment of the considerable number of terms, conditions and notification contained in these Terms, as might be posted on the Website now and again. GoldenShield at its sole watchfulness saves the privilege not to acknowledge a User from enrolling on the Website without allotting any reason thereof.

User Account, Password, and Security:

When you put in a request, as a visitor user, on GoldenShield you will get an email specifying your Username and secret word subtle elements. In occasion of membership on GoldenShield , you will get a Welcome mail. The duty of keeping up the classification of the username, secret key and use of the above to for any request creation rests with the user. In occasion of any unapproved use of the record subtle elements, users need to promptly advise GoldenShield as the obligation of any misfortune or harm of points of interest is of the user.

Services Offered:

GoldenShield gives a stage that empowers users to buy stock, for example, Phone Cases, Watches, Audio equipment, Mobile accessories

Security Policy:

The user acknowledges the perception of the considerable number of approaches including Privacy of GoldenShield . The user likewise acknowledges the terms and states of the Privacy Policy.

Limited User:

The User concurs and embraces not to figure out, adjust, duplicate, disperse, transmit, show, perform, recreate, distribute, permit, make subsidiary works from, exchange, or offer any data or programming got from the Website. Constrained generation and replicating of the substance of the Website is allowed given that GoldenShield name is expressed as the source and earlier composed consent of GoldenShield is looked for. For the expulsion of uncertainty, it is elucidated that boundless or discount proliferation, replicating of the substance for business or non-business purposes and outlandish change of information and data inside the substance of the Website is not allowed.

User Conduct and Rules:

You concur and embrace to utilize the Website and the Service just to post and transfer messages and material that are appropriate. By method for instance, and not as a confinement, you concur and attempt that when utilizing a Service, you won’t:

defame, manhandle, pester, stalk, undermine or generally abuse the lawful privileges of others;
publish, post, transfer, appropriate or disperse any unseemly, disrespectful, defamatory, encroaching, foul, obscene or unlawful point, name, material or data;
upload records that contain programming or other material secured by licensed innovation laws unless you claim or control the rights thereto or have gotten every single essential assent;
upload or convey records that contain infections, defiled documents, or whatever other comparable programming or projects that may harm the operation of the Website or another’s PC;
conduct or forward reviews, challenges, fraudulent business models or junk letters;
download any document posted by another user of a Service that you know, or sensibly ought to know, can’t be legitimately conveyed in such way;
falsify or erase any creator attributions, lawful or other appropriate notification or exclusive assignments or names of the inception or wellspring of programming or other material contained in a record that is transferred;
violate any set of accepted rules or different rules, which might be relevant for or to a specific Service;
violate any material laws or controls for the present in constrain in or outside India; and
Violate any of the terms and states of this Agreement or some other terms and conditions for the use of the Website contained somewhere else thus.
Exploit any of the services. We maintain whatever authority is needed to deny singular users of our Cash on Delivery installment alternative. Also, we may decline any of our services, end accounts, as well as wipe out requests at our watchfulness, including however not constrained to, on the off chance that we trust that user lead disregards appropriate law or is unsafe to our interests.
You might not make any injurious, defamatory, harsh, unseemly, disrespectful or foul articulation/s and additionally remark/s about GoldenShield , its partners and accomplices on any property possessed by GoldenShield

User Warranty and Representation:

The user ensures, warrants, and confirms that you are the proprietor of the substance which you submit or generally approved to utilize the substance and that the substance does not encroach upon the property rights, protected innovation rights or different privileges of others. You additionally warrant that as far as anyone is concerned, no activity, suit, continuing, or examination has been initiated or undermined identifying with any substance, including trademark, exchange name benefit check, and copyright in the past or right now utilized by you regarding the Services rendered by GoldenShield

Precision Not Guaranteed:

GoldenShield thusly disavows any certifications of precision with regards to the complete and appearance of the last Product as requested by the user. The nature of any items, Services, data, or other material acquired or got by you through the Website may not live up to your desires. Modifications to specific parts of your request, for example, the stock brand, estimate, shading and so on might be required because of impediments brought about by accessibility of item distinction in size graphs of individual brands and so on. On the off chance that you don’t concur with the asked for change, you hold the privilege to dismiss the asked for creation change inside 15 days of it being sent to you. We will furnish you with IR credits which can be used on your next shopping.

Licensed innovation Rights:

Unless generally demonstrated or anything contained despite what might be expected or any restrictive material claimed by an outsider thus explicitly said, GoldenShield possesses all Intellectual Property Rights to and into the Website, including, without confinement, any rights, title and enthusiasm for and to copyright, related rights, licenses, utility models, trademarks, exchange names, benefit marks, plans, know-how, exchange insider facts and creations (regardless of whether patentable or not), goodwill, source code, meta labels, databases, content, content, illustrations, symbols, and hyperlinks. You recognize and concur that you should not utilize, duplicate or circulate any substance from the Website having a place with GoldenShield without getting approval from GoldenShield

Despite the previous, it is explicitly cleared up that you will hold possession and might exclusively be in charge of any substance that you give or transfer when utilizing any Service, including any content, information, data, pictures, photos, music, sound, video or some other material which you may transfer, transmit or store when making use of our different Service. Notwithstanding, with respect to the item customization Service (as against different Services like online journals and gatherings) you explicitly concur that by transferring and presenting content on the Website for open survey and generation/use of your substance by outsider users, you acknowledge the User whereby you concede a non-restrictive permit for the use of the same.

Links to Third Party Sites:

The Website may contain connections to different sites (“Linked Sites”).The Linked Sites are not under the control of GoldenShield or the Website and GoldenShield is not in charge of the substance of any Linked Site, including without restriction any connection contained in a Linked Site, or any progressions or updates to a Linked Site. GoldenShield is not in charge of any type of transmission, at all, got by you from any Linked Site. GoldenShield is giving these connections to you just as an accommodation, and the incorporation of any connection does not suggest underwriting by GoldenShield or the Website of the Linked Sites or any relationship with its administrators or proprietors including the legitimate beneficiaries or appoints thereof. The users are asked for to check the exactness of all data all alone before undertaking any dependence on such data.

Disclaimer Of Warranties/Limitation Of Liability:

GoldenShield has tried to guarantee that all the data on the Website is right, yet GoldenShield neither warrants nor makes any portrayals with respect to the quality, exactness or fulfillment of any information, data, item or Service. In no occasion should GoldenShield be obligated for any immediate, roundabout, reformatory, accidental, uncommon, weighty harms or whatever other harms coming about because of: (a) the use or the powerlessness to utilize the Services; (b) unapproved access to or adjustment of the user’s transmissions or information; (c) some other matter identifying with the services; including, without impediment, harms for loss of use, information or benefits, emerging out of or in any capacity associated with the use or execution of the Website or Service. Neither might GoldenShield be in charge of the postponement or powerlessness to utilize the Website or related services, the arrangement of or inability to give Services, or for any data, programming, items, benefits and related design got through the Website, or generally emerging out of the use of the site, regardless of whether in light of agreement, tort, carelessness, strict risk or something else. Assist, GoldenShield might not be considered in charge of non-accessibility of the Website amid occasional support operations or any spontaneous suspension of access to the site that may happen because of specialized reasons or for any reason outside GoldenShield ability to control. The user comprehends and concurs that any material and additionally information downloaded or generally acquired through the Website is done completely at their own attentiveness and hazard and they will be exclusively in charge of any harm to their PC frameworks or loss of information that outcomes from the download of such material or potentially information.


You consent to reimburse, protect and hold safe GoldenShield from and against any misfortunes, liabilities, claims, harms, expenses and costs (counting legitimate expenses and distributions in association therewith and intrigue chargeable consequently) stated against or caused by GoldenShield that emerge out of, result from, or might be payable by ideals of, any rupture or non-execution of any portrayal, guarantee, contract or assertion made or commitment to be performed by you in accordance with these Terms.


Costs for items are portrayed on our Website and are joined into these Terms by reference. All costs are in Indian rupees. Costs, items and Services may change at GoldenShield carefulness.


Title and danger of misfortune for all items requested by you should pass on to you upon GoldenShield shipment to the delivery bearer.


GoldenShield may suspend or end your use of the Website or any Service on the off chance that it accepts, in its sole and supreme caution that you have broken any of the Terms.

In the event that you or GoldenShield ends your use of the Website or any Service, GoldenShield may erase any substance or different materials identifying with your use of the Service and GoldenShield will have no obligation to you or any outsider for doing as such.

You should be obligated to pay for any Service or item that you have effectively requested till the season of Termination by either party at all. Assist, you should be qualified for your sovereignty installments according to the User License Agreement that has or is lawfully regarded collected to you.

Overseeing Law:

These terms might be administered by and developed as per the laws of India without reference to strife of laws standards and debate emerging in connection hereto should be liable to the selective purview of the courts at New Delhi.


The headings and subheadings in this are incorporated for accommodation and recognizable proof just and are not expected to portray, decipher, characterize or restrict the extension, degree or plan of the Terms or the privilege to utilize the Website by you contained thus or whatever other segment or pages of the Website or any Linked Sites in any way at all.

Translation of Number and Genders:

The Terms thus should apply similarly to both the solitary and plural type of the terms characterized. At whatever point the setting may require, any pronoun might incorporate the comparing manly and ladylike. The words “incorporate”, “incorporates” and “counting” should be esteemed to be trailed by the expression “without restriction”. Unless the setting generally requires, the expressions “in this”, “concerning this”, “hereto”, “hereunder” and expressions of comparative import allude to the Terms all in all.


In the event that any arrangement of the Terms is resolved to be invalid or unenforceable in entire or to a limited extent, such shortcoming or unenforceability should append just to such arrangement or some portion of such arrangement and the rest of the piece of such arrangement and every single other arrangement of these Terms might keep on being in full drive and impact.

Report Abuse:

According to these Terms, users are exclusively in charge of each material or substance transferred on to the Website. GoldenShield does not survey the substance at all before they show up on the Website. GoldenShield does not check, embrace or generally vouch for the substance of any user or any substance for the most part presented or transferred on the Website. Users can be held lawfully subject for their substance and might be considered